A very important Ajax function is used in the whole code named ajaxbuttonindicator( );
All magic is performed in the Javascript. Only this Ajax function is called on the click of button. Value in the text-field goes to the php page and it return the string and displays on the HTML page.
Content Used :
- Ajax
- Javascript
- Jquery
- A Simple Php Code
Javascript Code:
$(document).ready(function() { $('button').ajaxbuttonindicator(); }); function send_request(a) { yourname = $('#i_name').val(); $.post("backend.php", {name: yourname, action: a}, function(response) { // Do something with the response. $('#ajax_response').html(response.message); }, 'json'); }
Before clicking:
After Clicking:
After Completion:
PHP Code:
200, 'message'=>'Success: '.$_POST['name'].'')); break; case 'error': header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo json_encode(array('code'=>200, 'message'=>'Error: '.$_POST['name'].'')); break; default: echo json_encode(array('code'=>200, 'message'=>'Default: '.$_POST['name'].'')); } ?>
If the timint between submition and completion is too fast put the time as per your requirment. Just as
sleep(2); // 2 sec for completion the request.
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